"The EmpowHER Meet was life-changing.

 When you do hard things and prove to yourself YOU can do hard things your confidence grows by leaps & bounds, AND you inspire those around you without even knowing it. SIGN UP. Best. Decision. Ever!”

– Jane E.

"Today was magical!

I saw so many wives, sisters, mothers, partners, grandmothers, BAD ASSES leave it all out there in front of so many people. I’m truly inspired by all of you!

I’m grateful for the opportunity to train, compete, and be apart of such an incredible community.

Thank you to my better half for always being my biggest cheerleader!

My Red Squadron- thank you for spending your Saturday with me and I’m always grateful for all of you and your support!

I’m blessed for this chapter of my life! Now give me a heating pad!!”

– Shelly

"There really aren't words...

to express how I feel after competing. 

So for the last 6 months I’ve kept this [KML Coaching] journey to myself (as in off social media). I was always worried my progress isn’t visible…until today. 

I was someone that before recently doubted my ability, never picking up more than 5 lb dumbbells. Despite back surgery (x2) and other issues I’ve had, with the help of these amazing bad ass coaches, I was able to bench 125 and deadlift 225. 

I’m inspired by each and everyone who went out there today, and so thankful I found people who believed in me so hard I believed in myself.”

– Alyssa B.

"Man, what a day!

When I started deadlifting several years ago, I could do ONE rep at 165.

When I got to 185, I was OVER THE MOON.

When I hit 275 today, 15 pounds OVER my best ever PR?

Today I’m king of the mountain.

Trust my training. Trust my coach. Trust MYSELF.

I love these women. I loved this atmosphere. I loved every single thing about today.

And I am SO grateful that my hubs worked his butt off all day to cover every base to make today happen for me.”

Tiffany M.