Are you ready to challenge yourself and show yourself you’re stronger than you think? Join our in-person and online EmpowHER Fitness events where you are surrounded not only by strong, badass women, but strong, badass women who want to see you WIN.
We’ve helped hundreds of women all across the US build muscle, lose fat, increase strength, and feel confident in how their body looks through our muscle-focused mentality. Are you finally ready to get the results you deserve?
If you’re ready to learn how to improve your lifts or technique, courses are a great way to get better on your own time. From courses how to deadlift to low back MoveSmart course the goal here is for you to improve without injury and move smart.
Our mission is to empower and challenge women to step out of their comfort zone, work smart in their nutrition/fitness, inspire growth, and build a community of badass women that want to see each other win.